Hello I'm back:) as a mom/business owner

HI!!!!! its me hahaha

this blog was such a dream of mine.. and i was terrified to start it. like so terrified. I am for sure so proud of myself for doing it because I adore my little corner of the internet! I love reading my old posts!

It’s been a few years and in these last few years I have grown in ways I had no idea I could’ve grown. I am realizing in this moment how much more confident this version of Anna is and how un afraid I am to share who I am, what I feel and what I love or what I struggle with!! and also I love reading my old posts and remembering how deeply I feel, my love for living in the now, creating a life you love today and letting yourself feel all the things every single day.

My life right now feels like a tornado everyday, filled with layers of business, twins, family and trying not to leave my own personal joys last, but sometimes it feels like those are always the last priority on my list and can always be pushed off. Always always something more pressing with how much I juggle everyday.

Tonight I was sitting here with a headache from stress and being overwhelmed and I was on instagram.. I know, not the best activity with a headache haha but I noticed the link on my page annafack.com .. i clicked it,. and was reminded of my love for writing and sharing my thoughts. I believe this will help me a lot right now reconnecting with who I am and if my words help one other that’d be a dream come true!

My message today is to do something today that fills your own little heart. In the midst of all this beautiful chaos, It really is so important to connect with yourself and remember who you are! Go on a walk, put away your phone, journal, read a book, breatheeeee, be vulnerable. I am excited to build my little online journal with anyone who wants to read along!!

I will be writing posts on being a twin mama, business owner, and travel life! and I am excited to share the bts of my life!! tell me what you want to know more of!

a peek into life lately with the fack fam:)

love love love,

anna :)