Hi:) I’m Anna!
I wanna be a voice to you about real things in life, I want to be a voice that makes sure you know you can live your dream! there is NO limit to life and what you can have and achieve. I want to e a voice that makes sure you know that you can go through really hard things in life and come out strong, but that you can go through really hard things and never really come out of them, but instead you continue to grow learn, press forward and stand up everyday to become your best self. I want to help someone else who is struggling. I want to say the things that people have a hard time saying, or admitting or talking about. but that most of us feel!
Life can be hard, it can make NO sense at all, but if you have the right perspective on life and your circumstances, you can ALWAYS stand up, look life in the face and say not today. I am stronger than you. and I will always fight! I promise no matter what you go through, you can be happy, you can find love and happiness, you can learn about who you are, you can become more of YOU everyday if you change your perspective. I’m gonna help you do that here in my little space. I’m so happy you found me.. stay a while:)
oh and here’s a bit of what these about me pages usually say: haha
I’m 28!, I live in Utah with my husband and best friend Zach. we are expecting TWINS June 2021 and we literally couldn’t be more excited! Where my fellow new mommas at? ahhh so dang exciting! Zach’s gonna legit be the best dad in the world!
I love traveling and the freedom and perspective is gives me. I love cameras, I hold my dad with me everywhere I go when my camera is with me. I love Paris, the vibe, the sparkle, the strong beautiful metal tower that gives off the strongest woman power vibes ever! I love how romantic, and dreamy the city is. I love LOVE, it is so beautiful, spontaneous, empowering, and strong. I love memories and capturing them, and I adore my family I don’t know what I would do without my fam!
I was born in 29 Palms, California on an army base. I cost a total of 9 dollars haha, we moved around quite a bit while I was younger then ended up in Utah when I was 8! I have 4 brothers and 3 sisters! its freaking awesome. I fall at number 5 splitting the middle child position with my bro Jason. My siblings are my best friends!
I cheered at and graduated from Brigham Young University. Studied Photography! and competed on USA National Cheer Team for three years! The most incredible experience.
I am so excited about my blog, and to use it as a place for me to write, to share fun details of my every day life with Zach and also the things that I have learned along the way so far in life. I hope that I can inspire you to learn about yourself, love who you are, and who you are becoming, and learn to find love and happiness no matter your circumstance.
welcome to my space..! I hope you stay a while:)